Panel view

Finished articles are visible when they're added to a Help Center collection

Ben Troen avatar
Written by Ben Troen
Updated over a week ago

Panel view analyzes data across your patient panel to give you a simple, yet powerful heatmap to visualize risk and forecast need.

Check out the space and interact by logging into the Pearl Platform and navigating to the “OVERVIEW” space the furthest to the left in the banner at the top of the page.

How it works:
-Each hexagon represents an individual patient -- the warmer the color, the more likely it is that the patient needs attention.
-The x-axis represents the last time the patient was engaged by a practice (based on our 30-90 days lagged data); the y-axis represents the severity of the patients' diseases.
-When an action is logged for the patient, their hexagon will migrate to the left to reflect the recent activity.
-If a patient needs a touchpoint, the color of their hexagon color will shift toward red.

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