What do Advance Care Planning (ACP) alerts mean?
Pearl's ACP alerts identify and prioritize patients who haven't had an Advance Care Planning (ACP) claim in the last 3 years.
Several factors are taken into consideration to determine which patients may benefit from ACP:
Eligibility for Annual Wellness Visit (AWV)
Absence of an ACP claim within the past 3 years
Charlson Comorbidity Index
Additional factors
Presence of chronic conditions that are not yet coded for the current year (highlighted)
Recommended Actions
Schedule an AWV or other visit within 30 days to discuss ACP with the patient and their family.
If necessary, create an Advance Care Plan collaboratively with the patient and their family.
Why is Taking Action Important?
ACP plays a vital role in:
Enhancing patient experience
Increasing transparency and understanding between patient and provider
Reducing unnecessary end-of-life costs and potentially improving patient outcomes
Priority on Platform:
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