Mailings: Pearl will work with your practice to obtain your list of all Medicare FFS patients. Then we will work with our vendor (Mabel) to mail to all of your eligible patients, collect and submit forms to CMS on your behalf.
In-Office Handouts: Pearl will email and disseminate VA forms to your front desk staff to provide at any Medicare FFS patient visits. If you need a copy of your VA form, please contact Provider Support at or 833-389-1036.
Permissions: Consider extending limited permissions to your front office support (or whomever is managing this discussion) to view which patients are already aligned via VA to ensure you’re not presenting them with the form if they’ve already signed.
In-Office QR Code Posters: Pearl will disseminate VA posters with QR codes on them.
Practices should hang in their waiting rooms.
Patients will scan the QR code with their smart phone and it will direct them to an online VA site where they can type in their information.
Written by Sujai Arakali
Updated over 3 years ago