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Navigating the Application

How to navigate the Pearl Health application

Ben Troen avatar
Written by Ben Troen
Updated over a week ago

Nav Bar

You can click on the various sections at the top to navigate throughout the application. Note that your sections will be limited based on the role granted by your administrator. More information about roles is available in the user management help document. You can always return to the overview page by clicking on the Pearl logo at the top left. A quick description of each section is included below:

Administration: This section contains User Management, Payment Setup, and Practice Structure

  • User Management: Allows you to add users, resend invite links, and generate PINs for new users or users that have forgotten their password. More detail can be found in the User Management article

  • Payment Setup: Allows you to link the practices’ payment account to receive direct deposit payments or select to receive payments via check

  • Practice Structure: Allows you to view all the TINs included in this platform instance

Financials: This section contains statements and payment rates

  • Statements: Contains a list of monthly statements that you can download as a pdf or CSV

  • Payment Rates: Details the monthly capitation payment for Aged and Disabled (A&D) patients and End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients (note that CMS pays significantly higher for ESRD patients vs. A&D patients)

Performance: The "Performance" tab provides insight into a practice's achievement across three key performance areas, which Pearl utilizes to highlight activities that will drive savings. Additionally, this tab displays the practice's projected spend and quality measure performance, offering a prediction of potential shared savings (once this data becomes available)

Patients: The practice can view their list of currently aligned patients, their DOB, the provider each patient is aligned to, their method of alignment, whether they are sharing data, and when their alignment started or ended. You can click into any patient from this view to access a detailed view of each patients’ claims data and take actions

Overview: Provides a visual map of the practices’ panel as well as a breakdown of which patients have which alerts. You can filter by provider or reason for urgency to target specific patient populations. You can also click on a patient to view a more detailed patient view that shows their past claims history.

Search Bar: Search any patient by name, MBI, Date of Birth, or Pearl Patient ID

Finally click on the User icon in the top right to access Pearl Academy, the Pearl Community Space, Pearl Help Center, Update your profile name, change password, or sign out

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