What are Discharge Alerts
The Pearl Platform sends updates on discharge statuses for covered facilities. The alerts specify the type of discharge and the facility.
Alerts are also sent for patients who may be eligible for:
Transitional Care Management (based on select high-risk conditions like sepsis and hypertension)
Timely Follow-Up (based on chronic condition diagnoses including coronary artery disease, asthma, CHF, COPD, diabetes, or hypertension)
Discharge alerts are updated in real-time.
Recommended Actions
Review discharge summary
Contact patient within 2 days
Schedule follow-up in 7-14 days to reduce readmission risk
Why These Actions Matter
UAMCC Quality: Taking action and scheduling a visit within 2 days may reduce readmissions by as much as 4.7%
TFU Quality: Scheduling a follow-up can also satisfy the Timely Follow-Up for Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions quality measure